a very well balanced meal

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i gotta tell you, i really like ground turkey.  love ground beef . . .  but i have a new affection for this low fat, low cholesterol,  lean meat.  i will admit, it is pretty bland on its own.  think about it... do you really look forward to the bird on thanksgiving (besides the tradition and the cooking of it), or all the sides that accompany it? so, back to my point...just by adding a few ingredients to this rather boring piece of meat, you can have a delicious, healthy, moist (yes moist) piece of turkey!  i made individual turkey meatloaves tonight for my clients.  and no, that's not ketchup on top.  it's a red pepper sauce, with:  red pepper, onion, garlic, water, and tomato paste, all mixed in a blender and poured on top.  sounds good doesn't it?  i use dark meat when making meatballs, burgers and meatloaf.  i find ground turkey breast is a little too dry.   i served tonight's meal with grilled asparagus, and quinoa with toasted pine nuts and fresh parsley.  yum.  the original recipe can be found here.  the only change i made to this was by making individual loaves ( i really don't like to share my food...)