peaches n' cream

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is everyone enjoying the wonderful peaches out there?  man are they good.  i have found that the best peaches are at a farm stand.  i don't know what it is, but i think the farm stand folks now how to handle and store their produce better than the big chain markets.  some fruits are just not meant to be refrigerated.  peaches are one of them.  tomatoes are another.  and i believe that many of the produce is shipped in huge refrigerated trucks. unlike the local farmer who picks their fruit, then packs everything up in their beat up truck and delivers to the local farm stand.  don't take my word on this, it's just what i think.  makes sense though.  i made this individual pie with the best tasting peach i have had so far this summer.  i intended to make fresh whipped cream, but something drastically went wrong.  and to this day i still can't figure it out.  i've made whipped cream several times before, but this one just didn't turn out.  fear not, i just drizzled a bit of the flat cream over the diced peaches and it was awesome.  sorta like when ice cream melts over a hot brownie and you have this nice sweet milky liquid.  yum.  there's not much to this recipe.  all i did was bake an individual pie crust for 15 minutes and topped it with diced peaches, about a 1/2 teaspoon of cream, and a fresh sprig of mint.  didn't even cook the peaches.  it's a great little dessert.  give it a try while you are still able to enjoy the taste of these delicious summer peaches.