beef and butternut squash stew

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i made this stew last week and although it was delicious, i would do it completely different next time around. the recipe stated to add the beef and butternut squash in the pan and cook together for 1 hour.  well, there is no way in the world you can get tender beef in an hour, unless you use a tenderloin.  and there is no way your butternut squash won't be baby food after being cooked for an hour.  i still find challenges in the kitchen and just mark them up to "lessons learned".  of course once i realized the mistake, i thought, "how in the world did i not make these adjustments in the beginning".  i hate when i am not 100% satisfied with a meal i have prepared.  but, it happens sometimes.  truth be told, i think i am much harder on myself than need be.  i actually let this stew effect my weekend a bit.  i worried that my clients were disappointed.  come to find out, they actually liked it.  try using butternut squash in the next stew you make - it is really good, and much better for you than a white potato.  the orignal recipe can be found here.  next time i make this, i will follow the instructions, except i will add only the beef to the pan and cook for 2 hours or so - then add the butternut squash and mushrooms ( i added those to this meal) and continue to cook for another 45 minutes.  this will ensure very tender meat and perfectly done squash.