fried green tomatoes

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these are the fried green tomatoes i made for my bbq sandwich over the weekend. don't they look so good and greasy!  instead of the typical cornmeal coating, i used panko bread crumbs.  they turned out so light (not in calories) and crispy.  get out three dishes and add 1 cup of flour in one, 2 eggs, beaten in another, and 1 cup of panko in the third.  add a 1/2 teaspoon each of garlic and onion powder to the flour, and a pinch of cayenne to the panko.  salt and pepper the sliced tomatoes.  get a cast iron skillet heated with enough vegetable oil to fry the tomatoes in.  once the oil is good and hot (350 degrees), add the tomatoes and cook about 2 minutes per side.  don't over crowd the pan, work in batches.  once the tomatoes are golden, remove them to a plate covered with paper towels.  this will soak up a bit of oil and give you back a few calories!  sprinkle the tomatoes with a little salt while they are still hot.  try these, just once this summer before the yummy tomatoes are all gone.  a little indulgence from time to time never hurt anyone.  right?