spicy thai noodles

a client of mine came back from vacationing in aspen, and brought me back a few packages of flavored pastas. it's from a company called pappardelles.  i made this meal for myself and brian on friday night.  we had every intention of going to the market to shop, but a huge thunderstorm came rolling in, so i decided to stay put.  i hate being out in the rain.  well, i guess it's more accurate to say, i hate being rained on.  i love a big rain storm...when i'm indoors.  okay, back to the pasta.  i didn't have a lot to work with.  come friday, my fridge and pantry are pretty much cleaned out. i did have a few items lingering around that made for a fantastic meal.  i had some frozen scallops, half of an orange bell pepper, some edamame, fresh cilantro, garlic, and ginger.  this meal took no time to throw together.  while the pasta was cooking, i seared the scallops, along with the peppers and soy beans in the same big cast iron skillet.  i deglazed the pan after i removed everything with a big pour of white wine, which created my sauce.  dinner was done.  some wine was left over.  and a fantastic evening ensued.

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